Embrace the Future of Microsoft Teams Management with PowerShell Module 5.0
Microsoft Teams has become an essential tool for businesses, facilitating seamless collaboration and communication among team members. With the recent release of Microsoft Teams PowerShell Module 5.0 and newer versions, IT administrators can now manage Teams more efficiently and effectively. This blog post will dive into the technical details of these latest updates, highlighting the changes and new features that make Microsoft Teams PowerShell Module even more powerful.
Keywords: Microsoft
Teams, PowerShell Module 5.0, cmdlets, automation, administration, performance
improvements, filtering capabilities
What's New in Microsoft Teams PowerShell Module 5.0
Performance improvements and new filtering capabilities
Microsoft has introduced major updates for the Get-CsOnlineUser cmdlet in version 5.0.0. These updates result in significant performance improvements, especially when using the "-Filter" parameter with wildcard operators, OnPrem*, and Timestamp attributes. Furthermore, new attributes have been added to the output, ensuring parity with scenarios involving the "-Identity" parameter. Some of these new attributes include CountryAbbreviation, SipProxyAddress, TeamsMediaLoggingPolicy, UserValidationErrors, and WhenCreated. Additionally, several attributes are now enabled for filtering, such as Alias, City, CompanyName, and HostingProvider.
Improved Get-CsOnlineUser & Get-CsOnlineVoiceUser for GCC High & DoD environments
Version 5.1.0 brings a modernized version of Get-CsOnlineUser and Get-CsOnlineVoiceUser for GCC High & DoD environments. These updates include the deprecation of input parameters irrelevant to Teams, improved attribute format types, and renaming of some attributes for better relevance and consistency. Also, within the "-Filter" parameter for Get-CsOnlineUser, a few attributes and operators are no longer supported.
Enhanced Policies and Configurations
TeamsEventsPolicy, TeamsComplianceRecordingPolicy, and TeamsMeetingBrandingPolicy
Microsoft Teams PowerShell Module 5.1.0 adds new policies and parameters to enhance the
administration experience. The TeamsEventsPolicy has been added to Get-CsOnlineUser output, while the RequireBackgroundEffect parameter has been introduced to [New|Get|Set|Remove]-CsTeamsMeetingBrandingPolicy. Moreover, the AllowTownhalls and AllowEmailEditing parameters have been added to [New|Get|Set|Remove]-CsTeamsEventPolicy.
TeamsMessagingConfiguration and TeamsMessagingPolicy
New parameters have been added to enhance messaging configuration and policy management. EnableInOrganizationChatControl parameter has been introduced to
[Get|Set]-CsTeamsMessagingConfiguration, and InOrganizationChatControl parameter has been added to [New|Get|Set|Remove]-CsTeamsMessagingPolicy.
CsTeamsCallingPolicy and Call Queue Management
To improve call routing and call queue management, InboundPstnCallRoutingTreatment and InboundFederatedCallRoutingTreatment parameters have been added to
[New|Get|Set|Remove]-CsTeamsCallingPolicy. Additionally, new parameters have been introduced to Set-CsCallQueue and New-CsCallQueue cmdlets, allowing users to set audio files or text-to-speech prompts when calls in Call Queue are disconnected or redirected.
The latest versions of Microsoft Teams PowerShell Module have brought significant enhancements to the management and administration of Teams. With improved performance, filtering capabilities, and new policy configurations, IT administrators can now leverage
the power of PowerShell to manage their Teams workload more effectively. Stay ahead of the curve by updating to the latest Microsoft Teams PowerShell Module and harness the full potential of these new features and improvements.
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